Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Beginnings

So I'm back after a long absence! Not that I'm even sure there are any of you out there reading, but I'm excited to be here posting some new recipes and experiences for whomever may care to read. I've changed my Blog name fom Eat, Drink and Be Merry to Pieces of Me, as that is what I am hoping to share with you. It may not be soley food related, rather just "pieces" of the things I love or am loving right now, or find exciting and inspirational...but probably a lot of food :)

Some of what this blog for me is, just taking a step toward following some of my passions. I am a regular follower of several blogs and it has been so changing I might say. It has even made me ponder culinary school! I'm not sure if that lies in the cards for me...very expensive, but there is no reason I can't still cook! This is a time in my life where I am reevaluating who I am, what I love, what makes me tick...and that is exciting! I'm not even sure of all that I will include here yet, but that too is exciting! I am wanting to live and experience life to the fullest and this blog is part of that.

My interests are many, but I have noticed I often just have ideas, and never see them to fruition. I want to change that...even if it means posting a couple of recipes I've come up with, sharing decorating ideas I have, or attempting to tackle a bit of photography (you will see right now I'm only using a point and shoot, but hope to move up in that area as well). I love to try new restaurants and hope to post some those as well. It's a new beginning and a new journey for me and anyone out there wanting to join! Here we go...

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