Monday, October 31, 2011

Market Find Turned Jewelry Project

Yesterday on my walk to take Colin his phone, I walked through the Fremont Sunday Market.  If you're not from Seattle, Fremont is one it's many neighborhoods.  It is unique and eclectic.  Known for many things from the it's name "Center of the Universe" to the Summer Solstice Parade (google it :)) AND of course the Sunday Market.  I didn't have my camera...not totally used to this blogging thing yet...but next time I visit I will post a few pictures.

It's a farmer's market/ flea market/ craft fair/ food fair of sorts.  You can pick up fresh produce, a hand made piece of jewelry or purse, eat at one of the many food stands and check many, many booths for second hand treasures.  Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon if you ask me!

As I was browsing, I came upon a  booth with goody bags filled with old pieces of jewelry, sort of a surprise grab bag.  I found one that I thought had some fun pieces, the whole bag for $15.  I guess I was inspired, because it seemed like a fun venture, so I bought it on the spot!

I love jewelry!  I come from a family of grandfather, two brothers and even my Mom, so I guess it's in my blood. :)  Many of the jewelry pieces that are popular today are either copies if vintage pieces, or true vintage pieces re purposed.  That is what I thought of when I glanced through this bag filled with cute little bird and butterfly broaches.  I think it would be fun to turn these pieces into necklaces or use a few as charms for a bracelet.
This is an Anne Klein version sold for $95....I hope to recreate something like it for much less.

And here are the pieces I got that I think I'll be able to use.  Some of the bag just had junk, but fun to search through none the less!

The little red bird and feather are some of my favorite pieces.  Making them into necklaces shouldn't be too difficult, I may need some help with the charm bracelet idea though.  

I also like the anchor....

and the gold leaves....

actually each piece has some sort of potential!

I'll have to keep you posted as to how I end up using these pieces, but just thought I'd share because the idea of a project excites me!  Maybe even a good Christmas gift....hmmm?  Hope you are inspired too!

Have a Happy Halloween!  

PS.  Can't seem to fix the font...not sure why. :(

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Personal Pesto Pizza with Ricotta, Mushrooms and Walnuts

So tonight I was home by myself and had been thinking about diffent pizza ideas for the past couple days. I've had this pizza dough in my fridge from Trader Joe's for the past week and was hoping to use it up today. Well...that didn't happen because Colin had to go into work a lttle bit early and I got to baking cookies. After he left for work, I was heading out for a walk and saw he forgt his off I went to drop it off. Long story short, all I could think about on my walk home was the pizza I planned to make for MYSELF. :) Pesto, ricotta, sauteed mushrooms...can it get any better?!

Because I was feeling a bit lazy and also wanted to keep it a bit healthier/lower cal, I used a whole wheat wrap for the crust. It actually turned out delicious! This pizza would also be wonderful on any dough and the dough I have in the fridge is a garlic herb flavor, so I plan to recreate this on that soon!

Personal Pesto Pizza with Ricotta, Mushrooma and Walnuts 
1 Whole wheat wrap
1 Tbs Basil Pesto, or more to your taste ( I used store bought)
6-8 Crimini mushrooms
Red Pepper flakes(if desired)
1 tsp butter Cooking spray ( I used the olive oil kind)
2 tsp chopped Walnuts
1/4 C Ricotta
1/4 shreadded Mozzarella
Grated or shaved Parmasean

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Slice mushooms and spray a skillet with cooking spray, adding butter to melt over med heat. Add mushrooms and saute, sprinkling with a dash of salt, pepper and red pepper flakes as they saute until browned, about 5 mins. Remove mushrooms from pan and set aside. Add walnuts to same pan and toast for just a couple of mins till fragrant. Remove from pan. Place wrap in same pan and lightly brown on each side, 1-2mis per side. Place wrap on cookie sheet and brush with pesto. Evenly spread mushrooms over pesto and then place 1/2-1tsp dollops of ricotta all over the pizza. Sprinkle mozzarella and parmasean over toppings, finsishing with walnuts on top. Bake about 5-7 mins watching closely so the crust doesn't burn. Slice and enjoy!

Tip: You can vary the amounts to your taste to make a larger pizza. One of my favorite quick pizza crusts is frozen Naan bread from Trader Joes. We usually do two for the two of us and that way we can make two differnt types of pizza!

New Beginnings

So I'm back after a long absence! Not that I'm even sure there are any of you out there reading, but I'm excited to be here posting some new recipes and experiences for whomever may care to read. I've changed my Blog name fom Eat, Drink and Be Merry to Pieces of Me, as that is what I am hoping to share with you. It may not be soley food related, rather just "pieces" of the things I love or am loving right now, or find exciting and inspirational...but probably a lot of food :)

Some of what this blog for me is, just taking a step toward following some of my passions. I am a regular follower of several blogs and it has been so changing I might say. It has even made me ponder culinary school! I'm not sure if that lies in the cards for me...very expensive, but there is no reason I can't still cook! This is a time in my life where I am reevaluating who I am, what I love, what makes me tick...and that is exciting! I'm not even sure of all that I will include here yet, but that too is exciting! I am wanting to live and experience life to the fullest and this blog is part of that.

My interests are many, but I have noticed I often just have ideas, and never see them to fruition. I want to change that...even if it means posting a couple of recipes I've come up with, sharing decorating ideas I have, or attempting to tackle a bit of photography (you will see right now I'm only using a point and shoot, but hope to move up in that area as well). I love to try new restaurants and hope to post some those as well. It's a new beginning and a new journey for me and anyone out there wanting to join! Here we go...